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Jicarilla Apache Reservation

The Jicarilla Apache Reservation was established in 1887 by Executive Order.  Located at the foot of the San Juan Mountains in north-central New Mexico, the 742,315 acre reservation is a diversified land which ranges in elevation from 6500 to 9000 feet.  Having an abundant supply of game, the reservation has one of the bet hunting areas in the state.

Jicarilla Apache Reservation

CAT # Year Face Type Description Mint
JI 1 1988 5.00 Wildlife gold on white 150.00
JI 2 1988 5.00 Wildlife black on blue 20.00
JI 3 1988 Second Rod Stamp black on blue 325.00
JI 4 1996 5.00 Wildlife ser # > 9000 black on blue 95.00
JI 4A 1996 5.00 Constant Plate Variety black on blue 250.00
JI 5 1999 10.00 Wildlife Blue Seal black/blue on gold 160.00
JI 6 2000 5.00 Wildlife Black Seal black on gold 150.00
JI 7 2000 10.00 Wildlife Black Seal black on gold 150.00