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Federal Duck Stamp Story, Fifty Years of Excellence

by Laurence F. Jonson, Alexander & Company

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This 365 page hardbound book was published in 1984.  The information contained within its pages are for the most part, timeless.  Besides interesting biographies of the duck stamp artists, this book contains a lot of history.  It contains a photo story on judging the Federal Duck Stamp and shows the creation of the 1983 duck stamp. Several of Ding Darling's cartoons are reproduced in the book

The book was awarded five medals in philatelic literature.  It received a note of commendation from Prince Philip and a copy is in the library at Buckingham Palace.  Notes from President Reagan, The President of Mexico and the Prime Minister of Canada are included in the book to name a few.  It is also noteworthy; Canada patterned their revenue duck stamp program after ours, the book was used as a reference.

The edition of the book was 1500 copies and 100 authors copies.  The book had a pre-publication price of $100.00 and $125.00 after.  The book has been sold out for many years.  The author gave me permission to include any of the information contained within the pages of this book on my website providing it was properly credited.  

We can recommend another good book on duck stamps that was published in 2000.  Click here for information of this duck stamp book.

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